Saturday, October 17, 2009

Gifts come from Paris & 9topic0

They are sweets and eifeel tower keychain.

Went to church just now, learn something and wanna share.tell you guys ! don't cheat during examination again, do ur own business. write what only you know. You guys think keep cheating that comfirm your future? when it comes to you only alone, you become useless. An useless human when you step into the cruel reality in social, you should proof to yourself what you can do and what you are capable of. Although you know you are going to get a fail for the result, just do it. at least you do not make anything wrong,you deserve the mark, you study , you gain. so when you come to working, you become useless, and not honestly, keep lying to make think keep cheating and try to cover it up just to entertain your parents just for this secondary life is enough? parents ask you, do you cheat? no. but atcually you did. that weird. why, is this a kind of social illness too.. people treats cheating as a normal event like asian eating rice. i write this for you all own good sake. proof and score only what you deserve. if not that make you a rubbish for the rest of ur ass hole life.
Well, i did cheat,but now i don't.and i know i shld learn. Almost everyone cheats, and dont ever say (i didnt cheat during exam, but just a little only nia ) then you re a coward plus sucker, jerk and freak.